I was in this small shop that was not a record shop, but a cd shop, and picked up a cd off their discount shelf; "pet" by astroPuppees. At first listen, the album feels like what I image a 2000s college experince to be. The music style reminds me of the music put in movies and tv shows during this time. Lyrically, I don't find it to be incredible, but it feels genuine as hell, just someone telling their story which I like.

astroPuppees is the band created by Kelly Ryan, described on her website as a "inveterate studio rat". I do not have much more to say at the moment, but its a fun little album, a good way to set a vibe as the background music for a drive or a very specific type of hang.
Note to self, at some point make the border to this page the album covers of the albums you talk about