Some miscallaeous findings and thoughts and thingso

Maybe on day this will be full and then fade into obscurity

Here is a weird ass article about why the universe exists. It is like, almost physics, but not, very odd, but interesting read at the minimum lol.

Weird shit from the internet

Signature, Event, Context- Jacques Derrida (a famous French philosopher)

" The semantic horizon which habitually governs the notion of communication is exceeded or punctured by the intervention of writing, that is of a dissemination which cannot be reduced to a polysemia. Writing is read, and "in the last analysis" does not give rise to a hermeneutic deciphering, to the decoding of a meaning or truth."

Not going to lie, I had to google alot of words to figure out what this says. I found the quote on a reddit post about absurdism, which is a philosphy I would like to look more into. I haven't fully figured out what it says, but thought it was the best written dense ass sentance I have ever read. It feels very technical, but technical out of necessity, not for the sake of using facny words. I would like to fully understand what it is saying to see if I can see wether this is true or not. Lol anyway...

Pretty interesting article talking about the length of leisure time in human history. Not most rigourous, but I have never actually seen numbers to what I knew, we work way too fucking much

"The Egg" Andy Weir.